The word interview has roots in French words that have a definite meaning “to see someone based on a view”.
Interviews are sometimes very tough to crack or sometimes are just a walk in the park.
However there are five important things you can take care to get yourself the next dream job.
- Resume
Your resume is the most important thing, potential employers look at even before you are shortlisted for an interview. For this very reason, it is very important that you have a perfect resume even before you search for a job.
Employers don’t prefer people who quit jobs regularly, however, there are always exceptions to this ( if you are the best at what you do or if the employer really wants someone to fill the vacancy quickly).
It is also important that you highlight your skills in your resume. Your most important projects you worked and something you did which added value to the company.
You want your resume to be shortlisted, to be eligible for the interview.
- Do your Home-Work
Research extensively on the company where you are applying.
Read Wikipedia articles on the company, its reviews and interview questions on Glassdoor and also visit the company’s website to see what the company really does, location of offices and company culture.
This is very important to answer tricky questions like “Why do you want to join this company?”
- Be Smart
When you are giving an interview, no matter how much you have prepared there are questions that have no correct answers.
One of the classic question is ” Why do you want to leave the current company?”
Interviewers are very well aware of the reasons why you may want to leave your company. They just ask this to judge you. It is very important you are smart enough to answer these questions.
Listen very carefully to questions. Let the interviewer finish his or her questions first.
In an interview, you are a salesman and the interviewer is your customer. You are trying very hard to convince him or her that you are the right person for the job and you deserve to be hired.
- Wear formal clothes and be 15 minutes before your scheduled time
Even if you are giving an interview on a weekend or on a Friday it is important that you are dressed formally for an interview.
Interviewers start judging you based on what you wear, the way you walk and carry yourself even before your interview starts.
It is alright to be nervous before your interview. Reaching 15 minutes before an interview gives you plenty of time to settle your nerves. It also tells potential employers that the you are really serious about the interview which is a positive sign.
- Learn and Evolve
Very few people are lucky enough to crack interviews at first go. For the rest of us it is important that we learn from our mistakes. Prepare well on things you lacked, questions you were not able to answer and things you can improve.
It is very important that you take feedback seriously and positively.
Don’t give up, each interview you fail to crack raises your chances significantly to pass the next.
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